What are the functions for rounding numbers in Microsoft Office Excel

For calculations, it is good to know what are the functions for rounding numbers in Excel. This tutorial will show these functions step by step with examples.

1. Function ROUND - Rounds a number to a specified nr of digits

ROUND function syntax is =ROUND(number, num_digits), where number is the number you wish to rounded and num_digits is the number of digits to which you want to round number (ie, if num_digits is 0, the number will be rounded up to the nearest integer No, if num_digits is greater than 0, the number will be rounded up to no decimal places specified).

For example, given the numbers 15.45, 3.65 si –7.91. If we use the formula =ROUND(number,0) for these numbers, they will be rounded as follows:

  • 15.45 will become 15As decimal (0.45) is less than 0.5 (rounded)
  • 3.65 will become 4As decimal (0.65) is greater than 0.5 (rounded up)
  • -7.91 will become -8As decimal (-0.91) is less than-0.5 (rounded)

and if we use =ROUND(number,1)

  • 15,45 will become 15,5
  • 3,65 will become 3,7
  • -7.91 will become -7.9

2. Function ROUNDUP - rounded by the addition of a number

Formula: =ROUNDUP(number, num_digits)

Example: Give the numbers 12.3, -7.9 si 21.6493

roundup1- round by adding up to No nearest whole
roundup2- round by adding up to No nearest whole
roundup3- round by adding up to nearest hundredth, two decimal places

3. Functions EVEN si ODD - rounded

Formula: =EVEN(number) si =ODD(number)

Example: It gives the number 16,2

Even- round by adding to the nearest No hair full
odds- round by adding to the nearest No odd integer

4. Function ROUNDDOWN - rounding the lack of a number

Formula: =ROUNDDOWN(number, num_digits)

Example: Give the numbers 12.3, -7.9 si 21.6493

rounddown1- round off by missing up to No nearest whole
rounddown2- round off by missing up to most No near full
rounddown3- round off by missing up to nearest hundredth, two decimal places

5. Function MROUND - rounding a number by adding or absence, by a specified multiple

Formula: =MROUND(number, multiple) - Where number is the number to be rounded and multiple specifies that the number must be rounded - either by addition or by omission - to the nearest multiple of this value

Example: It gives the number 15.45


In some cases, rounding the addition or absence is determined by the decimal

mround5- rounding in the absence as decimal (0.45) is less than 0.5
mround6- round up as decimal (0.55) is greater than 0.5

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