How can disable the notifications for apps and events in Facebook

Each user Facebook has a number of friends who play various games such as candy Crush Saga or Mafia Wars (And you're probably one of them) and sending periodic invitations of the contact list. Or friends who send invitations for all sorts of events, Most of which take place in other cities or even other countries, or do not show any interest to those who receive invitations.

Event notifications

If you wish to Disable Notifications certain applications / events or to block invitations received from ground contact, follow the instructions described below.

How can we disable Facebook notifications for applications or events

  • to block notifications / invitations for certain applications or events, it is enough that dialogue where notifications appear click on x site Notifications of such right. This will disable notifications application or subsequent event
Event Invitation
  • to block invitations from some friends contact list (especially those who tend to constantly send invitations for various events and various applications / games), navigate to Account Settings > BlockingThen type the name of the friend in the fields of law Block app Invites si Block Event Invites
Invites block
  • if you gave Join or Maybe an event but want to block Notifications for that event, go on it and click Settings icon displayed in the upper right corner of the page and select Turn Off Notifications menu displayed

Note: If you later want to unblock receiving invitations from certain blocked contacts, click on the Unblock link next to them (Account settings > Blocking).

STEALTH SETTINGS - How to turn off notifications in Facebook App and Event

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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