How can we identify and delete duplicate files in OS X

One of the advantages of using a MacBook is that these devices use SSDs instead hard-disksites normal, which means a stability higher OS and increased safety for files stored thereon. Unlike HDDs But normal, SSDs have a reduced space storage, which makes the space available on a MacBook to be all the more precious. A way to free up storage space on a MacBook is to identify if there duplicate files operating system and then to delete those duplicates.

most applications to identify and deleting duplicate files in OS X are Paid applicationsBut users of this operating system can use with confidence and iTunes to make cleaning media files stored Macendowment (this method only works for media files listed in iTunes).

How to identify duplicate files of media from OS X using iTunes?

  • iTunes has a feature default which help the user to identify duplicate media files from library; To use this feature, open the menu View and select Show Duplicates Items
  • iTunes will list duplicate files next to the other, where you can delete useless files that occupy space
  • also to list duplicate media files who exactly the same name, Press and hold Option while open menu ViewThen click on Show Exact Duplicates Items
  • after you remove duplicate files ofTo return to list default from iTunes, Click on View> Show All Items

If you want to identify duplicates and other files (Not only the audio si video lesson), You can use the free application dupeGuru (It has available versions for Windows si Linux).

How to identify duplicate files in OS X using dupeGuru?

Identification duplicate files from OS X cu dupeGuru is very simple: simply add in one or more application folders you want to scan for duplicate filesThen click on the Scan.


After identify duplicate files, You first have to check if they are indeed duplicates, then you can select them and move them to Trash (Or any folder you want).

dupeGuru is available three versions: A version standard, You can use any types of files, a version designed specifically for identifying Media Files duplicate (Music Edition) And a version for identification File photo duplicate (Pictures Edition), All available free.

Download dupeGuru (Standard Edition).

Download dupeGuru Music Edition.

Download dupeGuru Pictures Edition.

STEALTH SETTINGS - How to identify and delete duplicate files in OS X

Passionate about technology, I like to test and write tutorials about operating systems Windows, always looking to discover interesting things.

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