Date Saver, a Chrome extension that reduces data traffic through your internet connection

Google It has recently launched a new extension for the web browser ChromeThat saves data traffic provided by subscriptions for mobile internet connections.

Wearing a suggestive name, Date Saver extension directs the websites visited by a proxy server made available even Google, Which is responsible for applying a compression algorithm that substantially reduces the amount of data transferred to display the page in the web browser. Finding himself temporarily in stage BetaExtension has not yet reached its final form and may be used in the way Incognito and also does not allow access to websites that use connections SSL SECURE. Once installed, the extension can be activated with a dedicated button, positioned in the right of the address bar. Button enables us to follow the same data traffic carried by moment through your internet connection and how many MB I saved using compression function.

Tested since March 2013, data compression service could be included as part of future versions Google Chrome. For now, to use extension Data Saver we need at least version Google Chrome 41. function Data Saver It is available in versions Google Chrome for iOS si AndroidAnd can be activated from the menu SettingsBy checking option Data Saver.

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