Fake Idle Icon Status / Y! Messenger

Fake Idle Y! M , is a program that can maintain the status and availability icon "Idle" on Y! Messenger (Idle appears false) even if you are on the computer.

The program (Fake Idle / Yahoo! Messenger) is easy to install and does not consume large resources in the operating system.


1. Download archive program:

2. Close Yahoo! Messenger. (Including systray )

3. Idle.zip archive copy of the file idle.dll in the Yahoo! Messenger (by default : C:Program FilesYahoo!Messenger )

4. Open Yahoo! Messenger and selecteati of options appear Idle after one minute. Messenger -> Preferences -> Privacy -> Idle Status (select ”Show me as“ Idle ”if i don`t use the computer for 1 minutes. " ) -> Apply -> OK)

5. From the archive idle.zip executable is launched idle.exe .Click on “Set Idle".
That's all you need to do. After a minute will appear in the right-id Y! I , the icon "Idle”And time, without the need for the idle.exe program to remain open. If you want to reset Idle (“Idle” returns to - 1 minute) or to pass “Available” start again the program idle.exe and you have the options “Clear Idle” and “Set Available”.

Fake Idle Icon Y! M is compatible with Yahoo! Messenger v. 7+ yes Y! I 8.1 .
Users folosec Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) Probably will get a warning from antivirus, like:

detected: riskware Invader (loader) Running process: C: Documents and Settings... idle.exe

"Allow" or "Deny", however, is no risk. The program does not contain viruses or spyware .
Have fun! :)

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on StealthSettings.com since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

How to » Downloads » Fake Idle Icon Status / Y! Messenger

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