Use disposable emails to protect your online identity

Most sites that we register we ask e-mail to activated created. Usually the registration process validation is done through links received by e-mail, also checking method and legitimacy. The higher the number of sites that we record, the greater the number of advertising messages, informational messages or messages spam (A category that could be easily integrated and the first two).

To avoid the "bombing" of e-mail messages shows no importance, one solution would be to use an e-mail specifically designed for recording on various websites or online publication. But there is a risk that in rare (probably) occasions such access address, we confuse the large number of inbox. Therefore, the best would be to choose what the second solution, namely using Email addresses disposable.

Pepbot is a Email service less common, which offers its users the ability to create Email addresses disposable you can use the registration or validating accounts from various sites, the lifetime ”of such an e-mail address being 2 maximum hours.

How can we use e-mail Pepbot?


Pepbot requires no registration or login / login. To use Pepbot services all you need to do is to introduce a random email address, Like or etc., when such information is required by us sites that we record, then go on and enter the address used on these sites (do not have to be the same each time) in order to activate accounts created.


Moreover, if you do not have time or do not want to access activation links, Used to register an e-mail like mail-a@ Pepbot.comAnd Pepbot will automatically click on them (-a is required after name e-mail addresses that you Pepbot automatically activate accounts recorded on sites). Goodbye spam! (Or macwould a more or less significant part of it: D).

Note: Please note that email addresses on disposables can be freely accessed by any user of the service, and avoid storing personal information / important, no matter how short-time storage (2 hours anyway e-mail will self-destruct and all their contents will be lost).


Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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