Google Buzz - Google Social Network

In recent years, social networks have increased at a rate fast enough, or, as you say a true-born talk, like mushrooms after rain. After some impressive successes achieved by MySpace, Facebook or LinkedIn (Yahoo 360 and it had its peak, before being convicted and then executed) and network Micro-blogging Twitter, Google decided to pull the market own social network Google Buzz - "a new way to share'(The fact that Google Search is the most used search engine and that YouTube Google is the property while - plus its other products such as Picasa, or Google Maps - Are necessary ingredients for another recipe Google).


As stated by Google in the social network will be automatically enrolled all users gmail (Otherwise network is accessible from your Gmail account), No need to create other users to use.

Google Buzz has 5 (five) main features:

1. Auto-following - You will automatically receive updatethe users you contact frequently (and by default they will receive updateyour s) 
2. Rich, fast sharing experience - You can share photos ui posted on other media sites such as Picasa or Flickr
3. Public and private sharing - You can choose if what post will be visible for all users of the network or only certain groups of them (friends, friends of friends, etc.).
4. Inbox integration - Buzz-updatewill appear in real time, directly in the Gmail Inbox, via special Buzz items (these can also be used to reply updatefrom your contact list)
5. Just the good stuff - While, Buzz will "learn" to display only users preferences

There will also be launched 3 mobile applications for Google Buzz:

1. Use Buzz from - post a Buzz from a geotagged location
2. Buzz application (iPhone or Android) - See what people around you are saying
3. Update to Google Mobile Maps - Buzz layer added, allowing you to see nearby Buzzes and lets you post a Buzz along with a picture of where you are.

In Windows Mobile Google Buzz can already be accessed via Google Map(And soon via, while support for BlackBerry has to wait a while (it seems like not too much) to have it integrated.

For more details on the new Google Buzz social network, access official website of it.

Note: If you still can not access Google Buzz from Gmail Inbox, there is no problem: Google has announced it will take a few days until it will be integrated into all accounts (you can recheck from time to time).

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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