
Interesting title, no? :). Probably interesting for those who manage a website or a webhosting server (especially webhosting).

Qihoo is a search engine used China Somewhat synonymous with Yahoo! Search which displays results in Chinese, probably well selected . I think the technology that China has in the IT field is a bit fast for some webhosting servers. a bot qihoo read on a site approximately 480 pages in a minute and generates less traffic too big for a webhosting package modeSt. I think this bot also has an orientation problem :). It doesn't really find real pages on the site, most of the hits being 404 (Document Not Found). "Stupid, but many !!! ” .

For several days I have been haunted on a site by such a zombie who knows quite well how to make his presence felt. Until April 12, 2007, the traffic (Bandwidth) on the "victim" site did not exceed 59 - 60 MB / day. After April 13 (what a lucky day…) the traffic reached over 500 MB / day, reaching on April 19 at 714.79 MB.

A statistic from the server:

IP qihoo:

Pages: 159965

Hits: 159965

Bandwidth: 4.38 GB

Last visit: 24 Apr 2007 - 09:48

Better. If this bot in ~ 12 days I managed to do the one single close 4.5 GB traffic , this would mean that for someone who uses a Romanian webhosting package it becomes a real "business". The man must take out of his pocket at least 10 euros / month for webhosting just to pay for the traffic made by qihoo. For example here: blue-host.ro/ the package of 10 EURO / month includes 10GB of traffic. I don't think anyone wants to pay that much money to be indexed by a Chinese search engine.

Better. I got rid of a visit astel of SEO bot and I relied on his ability to read all of the file robots.txt . I'm not interested in sites listed / indexed in a Chinese search engine. It is possible that the bot does not understand SEO a site file and chose another method to explain more clearly what to do. : D Rewrite File .htaccess from webroot to block access:

order allow, deny
deny from
allow from all

Apache / Deny directives

Syntax: Deny from all |host| Env =env-variable [host| Env =env-variable]
Background: directory,. htaccess
Override: Limit
Status: Base
Modules: mod_access

This directive allows access to the server to be restricted based on hostname, IP address, or environmental variables. The arguments for the Deny directive is identical to the Arguments for the Allow Directive.

Farewell qihoo.com !

China to have taken the decision to eliminate it entirely self-censored Google their market? I write this because I remembered some discussion that had emerged in the press some time ago.

An article written in BBC on January 26 2006 :

If a few days ago, Google held the headlines as opposed to the U.S. government to protect its users, Google now comply with Chinese government and censor their website. But things are not as they seem at first glance. Internet users in China who try to access www.google.com page will automatically be redirected to the page censored by those from Google.

Censorship of the site will be provided by the Google team in China in collaboration with the Chinese authorities. How mechanism of Chinese government censorship system is public, there is a list of what will be censored.

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on StealthSettings.com since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

How to » Internet » Qihoo!

Death walks among us

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