Tweak Windows 8 Aero with Aero Glass Tweaker

In default, Windows 8 lacks feature the Aero GlassBut it can be activated by means of third-party applications such as Aero Glass for Win8, WinAeroGlassOr using the custom theme Windows 7 Aero for Windows 8.

Aero Glass Tweaker is a free application that users can use to change settings for aero in Windows 8 (e.g set the opacity or blur). To use this application, you must first activate Aero Glass using the application Aero Glass for Win8 (First run Aero Glass for Win8 to enable aero effectThen run Aero Glass Tweaker to aero settings change).

In addition, you can use this application to reactivate Aero Glass whenever start Windowsul (Without the need running manual Win8 applications for Aero Glass and Aero Glass Tweaker).


Aero features glass Tweaker:

  • Customize transparency si blur in Windows 8
  • Customize experimental setups for Aero Glass in Windows 8
  • runs Aero Glass in Windows 8 Startup
  • automatically disables UAC dialogs after starting Windowsacquis
  • the possibility to change the aero settings directly from Command Prompt

Commands for changing Aero settings in Command Prompt:

  • AGTWeaker.exe-opacity [0-255] : sets the aero opacity, the value default = 175.
  • AGTWeaker.exe-blur [0-255] : sets the blur effect, value default = 30.
  • AGTWeaker.exe-enable : Activates Aero Glass at startup Windowscommunity.
  • AGTWeaker.exe-disable : disables Aero glass on startup Windowscommunity.
  • AGTWeaker.exe -startup : activate or restart the aero effect.

Note: Aero Glass Tweaker (just like Aero Glass for Win8) is only compatible with 64-bit versions of Windows 8.

STEALTH SETTINGS - Tweak Windows 8 Aero with Aero Glass Tweaker

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

How to » Downloads » Tweak Windows 8 Aero with Aero Glass Tweaker
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