Windows 7 Tricks: Fix incompatibility between UAC and Windows Gadgets

Those who use gadgets Probably have found (without enthusiasm, I guess) that when UAC is disabled, those gadgets disappear from desktop.


Exist three solutions to solve this problem: either leave UAC to make your guard dog duty (which is recommendedConsidering that there are viruses that fenteaza antivirus) and you enjoy a desktop loaded with temperatures, pictures or calendars; or give up the UAC and adopt style desktopclean (Recommended for aesthetic reasons other subjective reasons: P), or get your hands on hammer and anvil and walk to registry Editor.

In Searchacquis in Start Menu enter regedit and give Enter. In Registry Editor follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSidebarSettings. In the right pane, create entry AllowElevatedProcess (DWORD), double-click on it and change its value to 1.

After the restart, you will be able to disable UAC without the risk of any gadget disappearing from the herd.

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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