Email Tutorials and Tips

spam Assassin

I absolutely love SpamAssassin. If I didn't receive messages like this at all, I would have orgasms: Spam detection...

daahh! We net!

Download Speed: 234 kbps (29.3 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 80 kbps (10 KB/sec transfer rate) and yet now it works for me...

Fun Evening…

..with leif music !!! Of course… all in Nehoiu City. Nehoiu Tourist Inn… they are with the organization. :)

Route 2.0

Buzau – Gura Teghii 2.0. I sleep in the car at Eugen 2.0. Last time (almost a week in...

A girafaaa me !!!! : D

Eugen: soEugen: I sawEugen: la hi hiiEugen: a super giraffelaurentiu: LOLlaurentiu: should you die?!Eugen: ...