Find out how much time you spent on Facebook since you made account

Recently (4 fabruarie) Facebook has turned 10 years since it was released, and to celebrate this, a new feature for the melancholic, A Look BackWas added to the social network: the ability to create and publish a video lesson which contains best moments 20 Facebook user.

In keeping with the significance of this new feature, branch Techland website created a widget which allows Facebook users to find how long they spent on the social network when they were created account it (at the same time provide information about how many posts have been published by users and compare the number of days that have passed than there Facebook number of days that have passed since the user has created Facebook account):


Created in a dorm room by Mark Zuckerberg and a few friends, came to life on Feb. 4, 2004. In its decade of existence, the social network has attracted 1.1 billion users, and all their pokes, wall posts, baby photos and engagement announcements add up to a whole lot of time.

To find out how much time you spent on Facebook since you joined the billion users on the social network has raised in these 10 years of existence, click on link below, then click the button Next displayed in the widget (application does not store user data si Wall will not publish their sites):


How much time have you wasted on Facebook.

Note: The number of days spent on Facebook is measured starting with the first post made by the user to the last post published by it (because Facebook does not publish information about how often a user accesses their account).

STEALTH SETTINGS - Find how much time have you spent on Facebook since you join it

Passionate about technology, I like to test and write tutorials about operating systems Windows, always looking to discover interesting things.

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