ChatGPT vs. Auto-GPT – The differences between the two modeI have them

Since OpenAI has launched ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, a real avalanche of applications that have modecatfish GPT-3.5 or GPT-4. One of these applications is Auto-GPT, which many say tends to endanger supremacy ChatGPT. See ChatGPT vs. Auto-GPT – the differences between the two modeI have them.

Let's see what's so different about Auto-GPT, and why this AI tool is superior ChatGPT.

ChatGPT vs. Auto-GPT – The differences between the two modeI have them

The latest application with artificial intelligence, which manages to attract a lot of attention, is Auto-GPT. Created by Significant Gravitas (Toran Bruce Richards) and launched on March 30, 2023, the application AI managed to attract a significant number of users in an extremely short time.

What is Auto-GPT and how does it work?

As ChatGPT, Auto-GPT is based GPT-4, only like this new application, uses several components to change the relationship between users and AI. It is considered to be the first step towards general artificial intelligence (AGI), which is a type of AI capable of performing human-level intellectual tasks.

To perform tasks autonomously, Auto-GPT uses several components at once. Internet connection to collect updated information, which ChatGPT do not, the ability to long and short term memory management, uses GPT-4 for the most advanced text generation a OpenAIand GPT-3.5 for storing and summarizing files.

So, in essence, Auto-GPT is not a new technology, but the components that complement it make it much more powerful than ChatGPT.

ChatGPT vs. Auto-GPT – The differences in the way of work

In contrast to the ChatGPT, which requires human prompts (questions and requests) to perform even the simplest tasks, Auto-GPT it relies on agents AI (described above) to make decisions and act according to predefined objectives and rules.

More precisely, when you ask ChatGPT to make a shopping plan for renovating a house, it will return a list of what you need to buy, after which it will stop. At the same prompt, Auto-GPT he will respond punctually with the shopping list, after which he will take each aspect separately and offer solutions, without the need for human intervention. He will be able to tell you everything you need to take into account, make an estimate of expenses and make purchases.

This is just a small example. Auto-GPT is already used in the business plan for new businesses. The new tool AI he is able to determine what he needs to consider administratorof a store that will sell shoes. To make a complete business plan, from the primary resources that the new business needs, to contacting collaborators, following the competition, establishing the market and the marketing plan specific to the field. Wow!

ChatGPT vs. Auto-GPT - The differences between the two modeI have them
ChatGPT vs. Auto-GPT – The differences between the two modeI have them

In conclusion, Auto-GPT dramatically changes the relationship between AI and the end user. While ChatGPT is based on an exchange between AI and you: you request them artificial intelligence a request, it returns a result, and you respond with a new request, perhaps based on what ChatGPT I gave it to you. Auto-GPT, however, needs only one request from you. From that request (prompt), the agent AI it will generate a list of tasks that it thinks it will need to perform in order to achieve what you asked of it, without needing any additional information or requests.

How can you use Auto-GPT?

Compared to ChatGPT which offers a web version through which all users can interact with modecock AI, Auto-GPT requires little experience. You can find complete instructions and tutorials about installation and configuration on GitHub.

Requires installation and use: VSCode si devcontainer, Docker, Python 3.10 (or a newer version) and OpenAI API key.

"Auto-GPT is an experimental open-source application that demonstrates the capabilities modethe linguistic GPT-4. This program, led by GPT-4, chains "thoughts" of LLM (large language models) to independently achieve any goal you have set. As one of the first examples of fully autonomous operation a GPT-4, Auto-GPT pushes the boundaries of what is possible with AI.”

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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