Online trade is gaining more and more land, and WooCommerce is one of the favorite platforms of web developers for creating online stores. In this tutorial you will learn how you can uncheck the default “Ship to different address” from the "Check Out" page from WooCommerce. Or how to disable "Ship to different address” in an online store WooCommerce.
A successful online store is the one who knows how to highlight products and offer customers the best online experience. The user's online experience begins from the simple and clear exposure of the products to order completion system.
The fields available on the "Payment Details" / "Checkout" page, where the user has to enter personal datasuch as: name, address, e-mail address, phone number and other information, should be as simple and structured as possible. Most of them to an online store's customers, I choose like delivery address of products to be the same with billing address.
However, in WooCommerce this checked by default option "Delivery to another address”/“Ship to different address". Which means that the user is forced to click or press once more on the phone screen to deactivate the additional fields, which are mandatory when the option is checked. Unwanted thing if we want to offer a better online experience to users.
How to uncheck default “Ship to different address” from WooCommerce
Fortunately, the option “Ship to different address” from the Woocommerce Checkout page can be unchecked by default by adding a line of code to the file functions.php of the current theme.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_ship_to_different_address_checked', '__return_false' );
Save the file after adding the line and go to the "checkout" of the online store to check if the option "Ship to different address" is still checked by default.
Another mandatory field required by WooCommerce on the page "Payment details"But which is too unimportant in some countries, it is"Postal code”/“Billing Postcode". Many users have no idea what the postal code of the delivery address is, and courier companies do not follow this code. It is often misplaced by customers because the field is required.
It can also be removed from functions.php adding the following lines:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'custom_override_checkout_fields' );
function custom_override_checkout_fields( $fields ) {
return $fields;
You now have an easier "order placement" system for your customers.
Kamau cara mengganti Nama kirim ke alamat berbeda jadi Nama kirim Dropship dan isi kolom nya Cuman 2 aja Nama dan No HP
gmana ya gan makasih
Good morning,
It is é um recurso do WooCommerce. Você pode apenas alterar isso nas opções de envio do WooCommerce.
WooCommerce–> Delivery options –> Delivery destination -> (select) Default for a customer billing address.
Once this is done, "Send to a different address" will not be marked as default.
I hope it helps!