How to disable automatic updates of Windows 11 (Disable / Pause Windows 11 automatically Update)

You want to disable automatic updates Windows 11 but you don't know how to do it? There are several ways we can stop or pause automatically updates in Windows 11.

If we go back a little bit to the operating system Windows 10, we know that there were some good versions in which Microsoft did not allow users to pause operating system updates or to them disable. There was practically no one-size-fits-all option Windows 10 Updates to be disabled. Not to mention the older versions of Windows, when a update restart the computer without asking or giving us time to save the files in progress.

I've written in the past some tutorials in which we show how they can be deactivated update Windows 10.

Microsoft has rethought many elements of the operating system Windows 11, including the update system - Windows Update. This eliminates the discomfort created in the past by users, when during the production process the operating system started updates in the background and he insisted restart.

The new Windows Update al Windows 11 allows us to pause automatic updates for up to 4 weeks, to prevent the restart of the installation of updates in an hourly interval, to receive updates only for certain applications and drivers of Windows 11 or to limit the download of updates when we have a mobile connection with limited data traffic. All these new options are available in the update system Windows 11 - Windows Update.

How to change the settings Windows Update in Windows 11

To disable automatic updates of Windows 11 you need to carefully follow the following steps:

1. We go to the taskbar a Windows 11 , we open "Home”→“Settings".

Access Windows 11 Settings
Access Windows 11 Settings

2. In "Settings"We go on the bar on the left to"Windows Update“. Most of the time, this is the last option in the menu "Settings".

3. In "Windows Update” we have a series of options for periodic checking of updates, download, installation and administration updateoperating system Windows 11.

Windows Update Settings in Windows 11
Windows Update Settings in Windows 11

Windows Update Break Settings – Disable automatic updates in Windows 11

Check for updates

It is good to use if we know that we have the update paused for a longer period of time, and in the meantime an important update has been released for the security or stability of the operating system.

Break updates

By default, Windows 11 check daily or even several times a day if there are updates available. These can be downloaded and installed automatically, without notifying the user.
With the latest versions of Windows 11 the option was introduced through which we can choose to interrupt the updates of the operating system for a period of up to 5 weeks.

The “Pause updatewe choose:break for 1 week”-“ pause for 5 weeks ”.

How to disable automatic updates of Windows 11
Break Windows Updates

After pausing updates, the "Check for updates"Will turn into"DESCRIPTION updates“. Option to cancel the set pause period. We can also choose to extend the “pause” period updates ”with an interval of up to 4 weeks. So we can pause the updates Windows 11 for a total period of 9 weeks.

Extend Pause Windows Updates
Extend Pause Windows Updates

Update History

And this section of Windows Update evolved. Microsoft now provides information about that update. What bugs have been fixed, what new features have been introduced, or what security breaches have been fixed.
Every update from "Update history ”is accompanied by a link where the user can find out complete information about each update. “learn more"Or"See what's new”In the case of upgrades.

Update History

Below are a series of advanced settings through which we can choose to receive updates of Microsoft applications installed on the system, to change the way they are downloaded in the background, plus many others.

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

How to » Windows How-To » How to disable automatic updates of Windows 11 (Disable / Pause Windows 11 automatically Update)
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