How to make a presentation in PowerPoint using Templates

If you know exactly what you want to say in the presentation instead of calling the routine AutoContent Wizard you can call templateSites that determine the appearance of slides (slide). A template or pattern is a set of predefined formatting provided by the application  , Incorporating various combinations graphics and special effects printing. In the dialog box that opens with the launch of the application will have to tick the option Design TEMPL the right.

New Presentation Template from

This will have the effect of opening the dialog New Presentation. If you click on the tab perform design Templates will display options for templates.

PowerPoint template

From here you can select the design of which will start the PowerPoint depending on the presentation of a wide range of Templates (templateSites). After establishing design presentation slides can choose the color that you use the option color Schemes.

Color Schemes in PowerPoint

To select a model click on the layout model (pattern) that best meets your requirements. From this moment, the slide layout is ready and you can deal with the content of the presentation.

When you create a new presentation, the page parameters will be automatically taken from the presentation model you chose in the dialog box New or from the named model file blank presentation, If you used the button New Standard toolbar.

These parameters can be modified at any time during the presentation creation. If you know right from the start how you want to look around the presentation slides create what size, what type of display and which page size that you print presentation indicated that these parameters and to define the beginning.

Page settings you can alter the dialog box Page SetupThat you to call to order Page Setup menu Fauthorities.

Page Setup in PowerPoint

Option Slides sized for: Allows you to set what kind of dimensional presentation slides. By default presentation slides are sized screen. Hidden list you can select other types of presentations to be to scale slides such as presentation slides 35mm, banner presentation, presentation etc. A4 type.

For each selected presentation slides default size provided by the application. If you want to change the dimensions of the box available Width which allows you to change the width of the slide from the increment and decrement arrows to the desired size. If you want to change the height of the slide you can do this in the box Height using increment and decrement arrows.

Box Number slides from your enables you to set the number you want to start numbering slides. By default numbering begins with 1 slides. Of increment and decrement arrows can change the number of start numbering.

Change slide orientation in box OrientationThe option Slides. They can sit Portrait (In vertical orientation) or Landscape (In horizontal orientation). Default slides are oriented Landscape. If you want to change the orientation check off Portrait.

Guidance notes, collages and abstract presentation box changes OrientationThe option Notes, handouts & outline. They can sit Portrait (In vertical orientation) or Landscape (In horizontal orientation). They are thus oriented Portrait. If you want to change the orientation check off Landscape.

All changes you make to the parameters become valid page after running OK.

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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