Download Opera 11 Final (Tab Stacking & Extensions)

11 alternative finals It was launched yesterday in no 2 days after release RC1 and only a few hours (!) of release RC3. Apart from the speed with which this browser evolving (and here I refer mainly to short periods of launching two final versions), Opera surprise every time users November caracteristuici interestingDesigned to simplify and sort their browsing slightly .

Some of the most interesting features of Opera browser 11 are the following:

1. Tab Stacking - Option to combine two or more tabs into one (ideal for those who tend to open multiple tabs confort window and they want to rank them in different groups, depending on the topics presented).

tab group

For expand or restrict group of tabs, click the down arrow tab of principal.

tab stacking

2. extensions - If the operator has not yet felt the need to use extensions, it seems that users still had a word to say about it, as a result 11 version of the browser has become "the". To take a look at Opera extensions available to go to

operator extensions

3. URLs hiding Search parameters for better security during surfing the web - For example, whenever we make a search something Google or any other search engine, The URL is very long sought. Opera 11 hide now URL parametersfixes may kilometer, they are not displayed unless you take the mouse in the address bar (to allow complete copy url).

opera-url parameters

Other features Opera 11:

Pinned tabs take up less space and now has Grouped neatly to the left of your tabs.

Visual mouse gestures help you learn how to control Opera with mouse movements.

Mail panel upgrades Greater Give you control over your email in Opera.

Search predictions from Google harness the power of Opera's integrated search.

A new bookmarks bar Gives you easy access to your bookmarks and replaces the personal bar.

Speed ​​Improvements bring Opera ahead of other browsers in many benchmarks.

HTML5 server-sent events and Web Sockets enhance Opera's support for new web standards.

Auto-update now makes sure you have the latest extensions and Opera Unite apps.

You can now set plug-ins to load only on demand to significantly speed up browsing.

Opera's installer is smaller and streamlined for a faster, easier installaction.

Download Opera 11 Final.

Note: For more information about Opera 11 visit official website

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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