The font Cambria / Calibri isn't available on OS X. It was replaced with Times New Roman.

By definition, font graphic style of writing is digital. Letters, numbers, symbols and other characters are all defined by a font.

Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple, It was a fan calligraphy and managed to bring this passion of his to OS X operating systems. This operating system now has some of the most beautiful fonts, and some of them have been borrowed over the years by Microsoft on operating Windows.
Today I am million unique fonts, and OS X and Microsoft operating systems have common fonts, along with some proprietary fonts.
gauges si Cambria are are fonts created by Microsoft for pachele Office, especially for Word Office.
When you are carrying a file Word Office on Windows, on an operating system OS X which uses Pages ca application viewing and editing for files word, to meet when opening the .doc or .docx file, the message:

The Cambria font isn't available on OS X. It was replaced with Times New Roman
The Calibri font isn't available on OS X. It was replaced with Times New Roman

Screen Shot at 2016 04-08-16.54.11

This means that the text of the document is written in a font that is not listed installed on OS X. The solution is simple. We must find these fonts, unload them and to install on OS X.

Download Bills and Calibri font for OS X - External link

How to install fonts on Mac OS X

It's almost as simple as it is Windows.

1. Unzip the archive content downloaded from the link above, then view and select fonts that are interested to install. Right-click and open with font Book.

OS X Font Book

2. Follow installing fonts with Font Book. here we will be able to create font libraries, we can activate and deactivate fonts on OS X.

FontBook OS X

Now we can open any file Word received from Windows, which contains text written with these fonts characteristic of the package Microsoft Office.

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

How to » iHowTo » iHowTo - macOS » The font Cambria / Calibri isn't available on OS X. It was replaced with Times New Roman.
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