Changed changes

Your To this day, I have resisted seeing the same theme of the blog every day. I liked and still like the old design of , but a change is always welcome. This result is based on the old structure of the blog and the theme of WordPress, Stealth (Gray Mix) completed yesterday morning.

From my view point! ( ) Stealth (Gray Mix) OK . For, I made some changes and left the red in the image of the header (eye killer) on his hands Sepedeh (thanks!). I didn't tell him what I wanted the new header to look like because I knew his style. The only things Sepedeh had to take into account were the shades of background si . Css-ul. He took into account… The result of his work on the image of the header I liked enough to change in proportion of over 90% the colors in . Css and etc. . Gif . :) Ehh. Everything is fine when it's over very well ;)

How to » digital Art » Changed changes


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