Your searches might be slow because the index is not running [Windows Tip Features]

When we looked different pictures, movie or documents in Windows PCMost hand we dedicated search bar. Search. Somewhere in the top right of Windows Explore.

Search in folders or folders that contain a sequence of number of filesIt may take a while if they were not indexed previously operating system.

While performing a search, the message appears in the top bar: “Your searches may be slow because the index is not running". What does this thing mean? That Indexing Service files The hard has not been started, and display of results may be late. Enabling this option, "Search Indexing Service”Helps formation of libraries ce indexes contain files present on the PC, to be User listing in a short time, when they request it through the "Search" function.
It is true that in the first phase, this service will consume some system resources, especially on hard diskthe classic ones that do not have a very high speed compared to Flash / SSD, but it is a recommended option.

How to activate Search Index on Windows? (Valid for all versions of Windows) 

As the message tells us, we left-click on the "tips" bar.

After we click on the bar, will open a dialog box asking if we have been active in the Indexing service activation.

"Turn on index” to start the process of indexing the files on hard disk.

This feature of Windows It is present on all the eversion Windows XP up to Windows 10.

According to Microsoft, this service will only run when the PC is in "idle”(I.e. it is turned on but not used), but I often encountered this service running when I needed the system resources of Windows. Which, of course, made my PC work process a bit difficult.

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

How to » Noteworthy » Your searches might be slow because the index is not running [Windows Tip Features]
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