â & # xXNUMXAC; & # xXNUMX; Strange characters in the posts WordPress

We met these days ciudatetine to . I did not have much to whack all databaseBecause of strange characters â € si Â, appeared overnight in most posts. I thought it was a sql error. 
I didn't realize which characters were not "digested", but it was certain that something in the encoding was not working properly. Google was not in vain either. In less than two days, these wonders indexed in the search engine appeared.


The problem is quite stressful, but it can be easily solved.
In file config al WordPress, wp-config.php, replace lines :

define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); 
define('DB_COLLATE', '');


// define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); 
// define('DB_COLLATE', '');

"//" cancels the line. Of course, the same effect would be if you delete all two lines.
After you make the above changes and save the file wp-config.php, everything returns to normal.

Founder and editor Stealth Settings, from 2006 to the present. Experience on operating systems Linux (in particular CentOS), Mac OS X, Windows XP> Windows 10 si WordPress (CMS).

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