System Shuts Down when back from Sleep [Windows 7 Error]

A few days ago I made a few changes to energy plan (Power Plan) Supplied laptop (due groundedObviously, that now I no longer remember), and today I woke up in arms with huge error at Windows 7 I tried to remove the system from Sleep (I say that habit to keep your laptop on battery only, which inevitably leads to keep it in a permanent state of exhaustion - critical battery), Namely PC has stolen a Shut Down splendid after the first signs of recovery.

fainted_laptopInitially I thought I held your finger on the button Home more than needed, but history repeated itself and the second time, in the same state of sleepiness (With the battery still in critical condition) I opened the laptop and flip it blinked for about 2 times puzzled me, then passed again (even before the couple adaptorul the laptop). After several bouts of panic & such I discovered that my laptop is healthy and that I am dealing with a bug al Windows 7, Result of modifications made to Power Plan (The problem occurs only when the battery is running low - that is in critical condition). Solution is simple and requires change registry (I recommend making a backup system before applying these):

  • open registry Editor (Run-> regedit->enter) And follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power. In the right pane search entry SystemPowerPolicy (Binary) and delete it (right-click->Delete).

Then give a restart for changes made to take effect.

Note: The error does not occur if used to Keep the adapter connected to laptop or, if you just use the adapter when the battery falls below 25% if Avoid plans to play with energy while the battery is charging.

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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