Windows 7 Joke [Safe To Remove Hardware]

No matter how much space you have available on HDDCPC notebookSite or PCyour o solution recommended storage personal and backupIt is portable external HDD (USB HDD).

toshiba usb hdd

In my case, Toshiba USB (F :) si WD-USB (H :) There are two external hard drives connected to a laptop.

HDD devices

To stick a jack a USB port and connect an external HDD to a PC, we all know. The problem is that many users do not know how to disconnect safely External HDD, memory stick, camera card, phone cardEtc. external data carrier. In addition users who do not know how to disconnect an external hard drive from the PC, there is a User species, who know how to disconnect an external hdd, but laziness pushes them to simply pull the plug to disconnect hard diskCPC.
Last night I successfully joined the second kind of user, and the damage could be considerable.  
Message Windows 7After Improper disconnection USB HDD:

format windows 7 external hdd

Format a hard disk or partition leads to data loss. It is strange that the message appeared after disconnecting. So, if I had accidentally pressed the button "Format disk" nothing would have happened. If I had reconnected the hdd and pressed "Format disk”, the data would have been destroyed.

How to disconnect an external HDD safely, to prevent data loss or destruction hard diskacquis.

Normally "safe", to disconnect a disk external (Flash Drive, External HDD, Memory CardEtc.) from PC / Notebook, two steps must be extremely simple.

1. Go to the bottom right corner (system tray) and click the USB icon.

2. Select diskthe one you want to disconnect.

eject external hdd After you click on diskselected and you receive the message that you can safely disconnect the HDD, remove the plug of the data cable.

safe remove hardware This method is applied to safe disconnection Windows 7, XP si Vista.

Founder and editor Stealth Settings, from 2006 to the present. Experience on operating systems Linux (in particular CentOS), Mac OS X, Windows XP> Windows 10 si WordPress (CMS).

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