Add Show/Hide File extension to Context Menu [Windows type]

Depending on available (Or case) sometimes prefer file terminations / extensions Windows be hidden or, on the contrary, displayed. But the process of Hide / show endings, Although simple, is not very fast, and sometimes it can be quite irritating. It would be much easier to add Show/Hide File Extension option in context MenuSo we are much easier to find / modify / hide (etc) file endings the computer? If you like the idea, then we recommend you follow these instructions.

How can we add Show/Hide file extension in Context Menu?

1. To make it possible to add this option in Context Menu must first create a script to execute action itself display / hide the endings:

  • open a NotepadThen give Copy / Paste the following code in it:
FileExt = "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvancedHideFileExt"
Set Sh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
St = Sh.RegRead(FileExt)
If St = 1 Then
Sh.RegWrite FileExt, 0, "REG_DWORD"
Sh.RegWrite FileExt, 1, "REG_DWORD"
End If
  • save the file in C: (recommended) - or any other folder you want - and change its name to “Show_File_Extension_On_Off.vbs” (Including the quotes!)

This script will check the status option Hide extensions of known file types from Folder Options and will reverse its values ​​(that is, if it is set to hide file terminations, the script will change its status to show terminations and vice versa).


2. To add option Show/Hide File Extension in context Menu do the following:

  • open Registry Editor (type: regedit in Searchacquis in Start Menu and give Enter) And navigate to the path HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshell
  • in the left pane, under shell, Create a new key you called Show/Hide file extensionAnd under this key in the right pane, create entry (String Value) HasLUAShield which does not give any value
  • back left pane, under the key Show/Hide file extension Create New Key command
  • then in the right pane (under command key) change input value Default in cmd.exe /c start C:\Show_File_Extension_On_Off.vbs (if you saved the "Show_File_Extension_On_Off.vbs" script in a folder other than C:, change this in the entry value Default - for example, if I saved the script in C: Users [user-name]The value will be changed cmd.exe /c start C:Users[user-name]\Show_File_Extension_On_Off.vbs, where [User-name] is your username)
  • close regedit

After these changes you will notice that in context Menu (Right-click on any free portion on Desktop) Appeared and option Show/Hide file extension (Because endings appear / disappear, click on this option and then F5 press to refresh).


Note: Before making any changes to the system registries, it is recommended to make a backup of them (in regedit, click on File in the upper-left corner and select Export) to avoid possible problems.

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

How to » Noteworthy » Add Show/Hide File extension to Context Menu [Windows type]
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