Can't hear the sound on the "Empty Recycle Bin"? [How To Fix]

I did the other day update la Windows 10 and I noticed that some system sounds of Windows 10 missing. For example, when I empty "Recycle Bin"I no longer hear that sound that tells me that the files in them have been permanently deleted.

It seems that for the "quietness" of users, Microsoft has eliminated several system sounds over time. Windows System Sounds.

Fortunately these sounds of the operating system Windows can be activated, deactivated or changed to the liking of users. From the simple notification sound (Windows Notify) and until the startup sound Windows, all can be changed, deactivated or activated.

As for us, we just want to come back the specific sound when we empty the trash. Empty Recycle Bin.

How to enable, disable or change system sounds on Windows 10? Windows System Sounds

Regarding these settings, even if from Windows The XP Windows 10 at least many years have passed, settings for system sounds they remained in the same place.

1. Open "Start" in Windows 10, we type: "system sound"And click on"Change system sounds".

2. In sound settings go to the "Sounds" tab and select "Empty Recycle Bin"From"Program Events".

3. In the list of sounds from “Sounds"Select"Windows Recycle“. The specific sound when we empty the trash.

4. Click "Apply”And“ OK ”.

After this step the "Empty Recycle Bin" sound will be heard again on Windows.

Also from there you can activate, change and deactivate the sounds of the operating system. You can change for example the start sound of Windows. You can replace it with the sound of a rocket during launch or a chainsaw.

Passionate about technology, I enjoy writing on since 2006. I have a rich experience in operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as in programming languages and blogging platforms (WordPress) and for online stores (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

How to » Windows 10 » Can't hear the sound on the "Empty Recycle Bin"? [How To Fix]

1 thought on Can't hear the sound on the "Empty Recycle Bin"? [How To Fix] ”

  1. Hello, I have this concern under Linux (and not just me) I have no need for system sounds that I find annoying in general, except that of emptying the trash, once under ubuntu you could activate it, now the sounds freedesktop oga extensions are no longer read by systems Linux, so more trash!
    The system sound files no longer include the trash and I was unable to find or locate the command (gui) to add a sound to it. I only get this by emptying the trash can with the proper sound with a command line alias, which is frankly not practical.
    Do you have an idea or go to my Debian to change the order?
    thank you in advance

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