
I'm talking about an archiver that understands how to solve almost all types of archive extensions. An educated archivist! I tried …

Yesterday's conclusion

... drawn today. "We kiss curulete (from "to kiss in the ass"), but... what do we do with them? "...

Search Pages / WP Plugin

Blogs created the platform WordPress they are based on two options for listing the content. In posts and pages. …

Mathematics by SMS

"Perpendicular to the isosceles angle made by the shadow of the cola glass half full with ice on the table full of club...

Character and maturity

Sleepy: I think I will make a new category... Sleepy: after which you will delete my blog Sleepy: Sleepy: so funnylaurentiu piron: of courselaurentiu piron: ...

Curses ..

… These. Last night it went smoothly to set / add subdomains stealthsettings. com . Tonight when I tried...

Linux Auto ?

sysadmin Source Code is Free Speech Si rm -rf *, does it want to be for all radar devices? Aaah… on…

The Bloggers!

The picture taken last night at Sport's Pub (Yes! I'm back at Sport's!) . I don't say who the characters are in...