- Welcome to Yahoo! are in the midst of developing the new design. The first page of the site in the version beta 3 is almost done. May …

From April 1

... I found out that I am a billionaire in $$. The farce also has a kernel of truth. It is true that now...

daahh! We net!

Download Speed: 234 kbps (29.3 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 80 kbps (10 KB/sec transfer rate) and yet now it works for me...

Editor earthquake v.2.0

Searching on for something related to earthquakes, I came across "ziarul de vrancea". Seismological editing style also has...

May be ..

... Cosmina (thanks!) gave me a "wake-up" at 03:30 with a poem by Lucian Avramescu. Super cool ... like everything ...

IE7 WindowsXP-x86 Final

For IE users who do not have Windows XP SP2 with license, the IE7 version is not really available (the ...