Upgrade PHP 5.1.x to PHP 5.3 on CentOS 5.6

most CMSSites, including Have the minimum requirement for installing to a newer version of 5.1.x on . The tutorial below will show you some simple steps that can be upgrade the PHP version to PHP 5.1 5.3.x on   5.6.

1. First you need to stop web Server. (Httpd service)

service httpd stop

2. Remove 5.1.x PHP packages installed on the server.

yum remove php php-*

3. After you receive confirmation that PHP packages are deleted from the server, go to install packages PHP 5.3.

yum install php53.i386       
yum install php53-bcmath.i386 
yum install php53-cli.i386   
yum install php53-common.i386  
yum install php53-dba.i386   
yum install php53-devel.i386 
yum install php53-gd.i386    
yum install php53-imap.i386 
yum install php53-intl.i386  
yum install php53-ldap.i386  
yum install php53-mbstring.i386 
yum install php53-mysql.i386 
yum install php53-odbc.i386  
yum install php53-pdo.i386   
yum install php53-pgsql.i386 
yum install php53-process.i386 
yum install php53-pspell.i386 
yum install php53-snmp.i386  
yum install php53-soap.i386 
yum install php53-xml.i386 
yum install php53-xmlrpc.i386

Or even more simply, install all packages php53 *.

yum install php53*

4. Start Apache Web Server

service httpd start

Packages php53-pear, php53-mcrypt, php53-Mhash, php53-PDO, php53-pecl-apc si php53-pecl-memcache are not available for CentOS 5.6

Finally check PHP5.3 version was installed successfully. Create a. Php (eg info.php.) That have:





Climb file servers and access to Firefox's address, , or any other web browser. The result should be:

php info

You can see which version of PHP is installed in the server and command line: php-v or with "yum list installed | grep php”(Will show all installed PHP packages).

yum list installed php

- Upgrade / Install PHP 5.3 on CentOS 5.6.

Founder and editor Stealth Settings, from 2006 to the present. Experience on operating systems Linux (in particular CentOS), Mac OS X, Windows XP> Windows 10 si WordPress (CMS).

How to » Linux » Upgrade PHP 5.1.x to PHP 5.3 on CentOS 5.6
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