Change Registered Owner & Organization Name in Windows XP yes Windows 7

When install an operating systemDuring the installation process required us some data, including a name of organization (Organization Name) And one owner of the system (Owner Name).
In this information appears in System Properties> General (right click on My Compuer> Properties)

stealth xp

and in About Windows la si .

winver windows 7

* To access "About Windows"Or"Windows Information”We open Run and type winver.exe > Enter.

Open Winver - About Windows

How we can change Organization Name and Owner Name on systems Windows (XP, Vista and 7)

provides no possibility to change the names of these two admin panel (), But if we do so, we use registry editor al Windows. / .

1. Open Run and type “regedit”To open Windows Registry Editor.

2. In the registry editor go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \Windows NT \ CurrentVersion

then look for the right key: RegisteredOwner si RegisteredOrganization.

Regedit - Owner Information and Organization Name

3. Right click and click “Modify”. In our case we took RegisteredOrganization where we had not set any name.

modify regorg

4. At “Value Data” change the current name or add a name (in case it has not been set) then press OK.

value date

Now I have changed the "Organization Name". In the same way you can do for Owner Name, modifying "RegisteredOwner".

Changed name

In the same way you can change Organization Name and Owner Name to Windows 7 si Windows Vista.

Founder and editor Stealth Settings, from 2006 to the present. Experience on operating systems Linux (in particular CentOS), Mac OS X, Windows XP> Windows 10 si WordPress (CMS).

How to » Noteworthy » Change Registered Owner & Organization Name in Windows XP yes Windows 7

1 thought on “Change Registered Owner & Organization Name in Windows XP yes Windows 7"

  1. thank you so much
    To windows 10, il faut juste créer la chaine absente “RegisteredOrganisation” et ensuit entrer ton nom préférence comme donnée binaire…

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